Natural Gas Market Updates

January 21, 2025 – Market Update

Surprisingly quiet day considering everything going on. The NYMEX February front month contract rallied overnight to $3.90 US/mm level at 7am but then gradually sold off to $3.72 level in the afternoon. Last trade $3.76, down 5 US cents/mm. This is down from Friday’s close of $3.91.

The expectation for the upcoming storage report is a withdrawal of -240 Bcf for the week ending January 17. Next weeks report will probably be huge too, if not bigger. However, beyond that period, the US is looking like it’ll warm up and heating demand may ease.

No solid news yet on tariff front but we have our ears to the ground.

Finally, some news came out recently that the development of LNG Canada, an incoming LNG-facility in British Columbia, is somewhat behind schedule. Full ramp is now expected by the end of the year.

8-14 Day Temperature Outlook

NYMEX Natural Gas Front Month

(One Day Delayed)

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