Natural Gas Market Updates

February 5, 2025 – Market Update

Another mixed day.

Just like yesterday, the NYMEX March front month contract hit a low in the morning ($3.17 US/mm at 9 am today) and then increased during the day. We were up about 5 cents across the summer contracts.

The weather report is for warmer than average for the rest of this week, but snow this weekend across a large part of the USA. Next week ought to be a bit colder than normal but nothing like the cold snap in January. The important fact is that the curve of historical average temperatures is starting to increase as spring approaches.

Production is still high at 106 Bcf/day average across February according to LSEG data.

The EIA is expected to report tomorrow a withdrawal about -172 Bcf for the week ending January 31st, but I have seen some estimates that were lower.  This is in-line with the 5 year average.

NYMEX Natural Gas Front Month

(One Day Delayed)

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